Winter Restoration Workshops in Garber Park in 2020
(near the Claremont Hotel in Claremont Canyon)
The Garber Park Stewards are pleased to be partnering with the Claremont Canyon Conservancy to once again offer a Restoration Planting Series throughout the winter season to Celebrate the Stewards 10 years in Garber. Lech Naumovich, botanist and Executive Director of Golden Hour Restoration Institute, will lead the workshops, which will highlight our successes, challenges, and the future for our ongoing restoration efforts in Garber Park. We invite you to join us.
Saturday, January 18. Celebration of the Garber Park Stewards 10 Years in Garber. Come hike and explore Garber Park, a 13-acre oak woodland in Claremont Canyon and help celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Garber Park Stewards, whose on-going restoration efforts have helped transform this park at the edge of the wildland-urban interface. Led by Lech Naumovich from Golden Hour Restoration Institute, we’ll discuss successes and challenges of this long running restoration project, delving into invasive species control, fuels management, trail improvement, and more.
Saturday, February 15. Invasives: Best Management Practices for Your Worst Problems. Join the Garber Park Stewards and Golden Hour Restoration Institute for a hands-on workshop on invasive species control. Learn about best management practices recommended by the California Invasive Plant Council for invasive species such as cape ivy and French broom. This workshop will be a chance for you to learn and practice invasive species removal with experts and experienced volunteers at a restored oak woodland in the Oakland Hills.
Saturday, March 21. Fascinating Fascines and Creek Restoration. Learn about hillside erosion control and restoration in this hands-on workshop with the Garber Park Stewards and Golden Hour Restoration Institute. We will cover the use of fascines and on-site vegetation to stabilize steep slopes in restoration sites. You will have the opportunity to help install fascines alongside restoration experts and volunteers in Garber Park.
Time: all workshops are from 9:30AM-12:30PM. Come early, 9:15, to enjoy coffee, snacks and meet fellow workshop participants. All skill levels welcome. Come to one workshop or come to all.
Meet at the Claremont Ave. entrance to Garber Park, .4 miles up Claremont Ave from the intersection of Ashby Ave/Claremont Ave. For a map and directions visit